Thought about writing a blog but don’t know where to begin? Let Dynasty Marketing Group break it down for you!

Blogging is a great SEO strategy, it’s a wonderful marketing tool and blogging is lots of fun! A new blog will allow you to make smart and strategic choices. Just take a little time to think about how to set up your blog before you begin, so you’ll have less work later on.

Choose a Topic

You should always write about what you know. But you should not write about everything you know. Pick a niche. Decide upon a main topic and write posts related to that topic.

Do Your Keyword Research

Once you’ve chosen your niche, you should do some solid keyword research. Try to find out what people are searching for. What words are they using when they want to read about your niche and your topic?

Put The Pen to Paper

Just write that first post! Put pen to paper and just do it. Your blog starts with the very first post. That post doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be published. Take the keyword research you’ve gathered and apply it to your first post.

Create a Calendar

After you’ve written your first blog and you get a feel for posting, create a calendar for yourself.  Pick a topic to write about each week that relates to your keyword research.  Plan on writing 1 blog per week!

Adding Pictures & Videos To Your Blog

Writing blog post is more than writing a nice story; a successful blog has pictures and videos as well. Every post should show at least one image.

Optimizing Your Blog For Search Engines

Before publishing your post, optimize it using anchor text and creating an awesome SEO title from your keyword research.  Create H1, H2 and H3 titles and make sure to use “alt text” for your image!

Promoting Your Blog Through Social Media

Using social media is the best way to reach and grow the audience of your blog. That’s why your blog should have a Facebook page. Sharing your posts on Facebook is a good marketing strategy. You can also create a newsletter for you company and send it out through constant contact or mail chimp!

The most important rule about starting a blog: Stick with it! Get into a routine, find your groove and have fun!

Contact Dynasty Marketing Group if you need help writing your blogs or you simply do not have the time to do it.  We will happily come up with an SEO strategy that is right for you.  Blogging is a key component to optimizing your site!